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Proofreading is the Key to Quality Law Firm Website Content

Jenna Kefauver
Published   December 3, 2015

I think it is appropriate for the first blog in what will be an ongoing series about writing and editing to be about something so simple and basic, yet increasingly rare: proofreading.

In the age of spell check and autocorrect, proofreading seems to be going the way of the typewriter. With technology available to help us, many people think manual proofreading is obsolete, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Computers make mistakes just like the people who operate them. Or sometimes they just don’t catch your mistakes. It’s easy enough to mix up “effect” and “affect,” and your spell checker might not always catch it, especially if you spelled the word correctly.

Grammatical Mistakes Are a Turnoff for Website Visitors

A surefire way to bring down credibility fast? Leave typos on your front page.

We all make mistakes. But that doesn’t mean they don’t look sloppy on your website. Would you hire someone with typos on her resume? Probably not, right? Employ the logic that if you wouldn’t hire someone who doesn’t take the time to double-check her work, someone else is probably thinking the same thing if your website contains typos or poor grammar.

If I go to your website and see a bunch of typos, there is a good chance I’m going to leave your website and find another one. If you fail to catch grammatical or spelling errors on your website, those mistakes could mean the difference between landing and losing a client.

Proofread! It’s Worthy of Your Time

Proofread, proofread, PROOFREAD. Proofread it once and then give it to someone else to read. All you need is a second pair of eyes to tell you that you misspelled “Wednesday” or that you mixed up “there” and “their.” You can even write it up and then check it the next morning with a fresh pair of eyes.

Take ten minutes to proofread your work. You won’t regret it.

Be sure to check out our glossary of content marketing terms to deepen your marketing strategy knowledge.

Having trouble writing? Call us: 888-521-3880.

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