Author Archives for Jenna Kefauver

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Strategies for Giving Your Website Content a Facelift

Blog Posts

  Content and how we interact with it is always changing. The content you produced for your website four years ago might not live up to current standards and reader expectations. Ensuring your content is updated will give your readers what they want and keep them coming back for more. So how do you keep your site and its content up-to-date?... Read More

Jenna Kefauver
Published   December 15, 2017
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Building Strong Connections: 5 Content Writing Tips for Engaging Your Readers

Blog Posts

Establishing a relationship with readers is imperative to gaining lifelong customers. Create content for your law firm’s website that can engage your entire target audience, while making each reader feel like you’re speaking directly to them. Below, we dive into a few tips to help: Know your audience’s expectations Help them accomplish their goal Speak directly to readers Make it... Read More

Jenna Kefauver
Published   August 11, 2017
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The Art of Intentional Content Writing: Tips for Law Firms

Blog Posts

  Being a writer goes beyond merely putting words on paper or screen. Whether you are a food blogger sharing a new recipe you just tried or a lawyer informing readers of the steps to file a personal injury claim, be intentional with the way you deliver information. What is writing with intention? To be intentional means to write with... Read More

Jenna Kefauver
Published   January 26, 2017
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How Content Organization Improves Content Writing for Law Firms

Blog Posts

While revamping law firm website content, I have realized that many businesses don’t take the time to organize the text on their pages. Though organizing written work is a basic skill most of us learn by the time we’re in high school, it seems to be one that is widely underused. Sure, organizing your thoughts before putting them out into the... Read More

Jenna Kefauver
Published   December 17, 2015
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Proofreading is the Key to Quality Law Firm Website Content

Blog Posts

I think it is appropriate for the first blog in what will be an ongoing series about writing and editing to be about something so simple and basic, yet increasingly rare: proofreading. In the age of spell check and autocorrect, proofreading seems to be going the way of the typewriter. With technology available to help us, many people think manual... Read More

Jenna Kefauver
Published   December 3, 2015