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Law Firm SEO Services

Proven law firm SEO services that explode your visibility, attract more organic leads, and secure more cases.

We help attorneys like you spike organic traffic, generate more leads, and turn on a never-ending pipeline of new cases with law firm SEO services that take you from invisible to unmissable on Google.

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Spot the holes in your SEO at no cost!
law firm seo
We don’t just talk a big game. Here’s what we’ve done for our clients…
in organic traffic for a civil rights attorney
in monthly organic traffic value
in monthly cases
in organic keywords
You use Google every single day.
And so do your clients …
google searches

As a lawyer, you’re in the business of helping people. Personal injury, criminal, or civil complaints … it doesn’t matter. Whatever your practice area, it’s your job to deliver justice. And the people desperately looking for justice? They turn to Google every single day in search of help.

Demand, meet supply.

Google makes up over 78% of all online search behavior (let us pick up this mic we just dropped) with over 8.5 billion daily searches - a figure growing year over year since 1998.

That means Google isn’t just a search engine - it’s a tap you can turn on to generate leads and fill your pipeline with new cases. The problem is every single one of your competitors is trying to turn on that same tap too.

Maybe you’re struggling to have the impact you set out to have because your leads are trickling in (when they should be pouring in).

Don’t let new cases wash away because your SEO isn’t up to par …

SEO isn’t a “maybe” digital marketing strategy. It’s the proven roadmap successful law firms use for more exposure, leads, and cases.

Did you know 70% of law firms land new cases through their websites?

The truth is, SEO is a zero-sum game. You either push your website to the top of Google’s first page, or your competition takes the clients you want for yourself. 0.63% of people click on the second page of Google (no, that’s not a typo). There is no prize for coming in second.

That’s why we’ve developed SEO services for lawyers that are effective, repeatable, scalable, and designed to put you on Google’s all-important page #1.

Our law firm SEO services deliver:
Unmissable Visibility and Organic Exposure
Unmissable Visibility and Organic Exposure

The legal industry is uber-competitive. With 1 out of every 2 visitors coming from organic search results, we ensure it’s your site that people are landing on by improving your position on the world’s most popular search engine.

Awareness, Education, Interest, and ACTION
Awareness, Education, Interest, and ACTION

We don’t create content for the sake of it (even if we are natural wordsmiths). Whether building your brand or guiding prospects toward a consultation, we have a clear goal in mind and focus on results (not just rankings).

A Powerful Boost to Your Brand
A Powerful Boost to Your Brand

We don’t write your SEO content just to please Google. We also craft it to position you as an authority, build trust in your readers, and increase your brand’s awareness, making you the natural choice for representation.

Money icon
A Long-Term Strategy with a High Return

Results don’t happen overnight. Still, with our proven SEO strategies, you can enjoy results that compound over time and deliver an evergreen lead-gen channel (without the inconsistency of referrals).

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A free audit only take 30 minutes of your time!
We design our SEO services for lawyers to drive ROI.

Here’s a peek at what we include in each top-notch SEO strategy that positions you as the expert you are, attracts traffic, and brings in hot new leads on autopilot.

“Take My Money” Keywords

Not all keywords are the same. With a focus on high-intent, transactional keywords, we help you rank for terms that bring new cases. Our keyword research approach provides the foundation for a successful, long-term lead-generation machine.

Authority-Building Content

SEO is full of acronyms. EEAT, YMYL - it’s enough to make you say, WTF? These terms represent Google’s standards for the quality and credibility of content. Our content marketing strategies showcase your expertise and explode your website's visibility. When the searcher you attract sees you as an expert, you can’t lose.

Website-Boosting Backlinks

Every link to your law firm’s website acts as a ‘vote of confidence’ in the eyes of Google. Our branded editorial articles build your authority across the web so that a). People see you as the leader in your field, and b). Google sees your content is valuable and boosts your rankings--win-win.

Technical SEO Mastery

Ever heard the expression “don’t judge a book by its cover”? Well, your site visitors do that … all the time. We make sure their user experience is seamless and stress-free. With fast, mobile-optimized, and easy-to-browse content, your site moves people from interest to action without speed bumps.

Local Service Ads

Attract customers to your law firm and only pay for leads (not traffic) with relevant local service ads (LSAs). Your ad enables searchers to book a consultation directly from the search result without having to click through to your website.

Google My Business Profile

46% of Google searches have local intent. We optimize your Google Business Profile and add content regularly to get your law firm’s location(s) in the top positions of the local search results. When local clients go looking, we help your law firm get found.

We keep our law firm SEO process simple.

Here’s our step-by-step approach to putting you in front of the right audience and convincing that audience there’s no better lawyer than you…

Step 01

Partner with We Do Web Content

Step 02

Watch your rankings and traffic go up, up, up (it’s that easy)

Alright, ranking on Google so you can enjoy more cases with less stress is a little more complicated than that - but you don’t need to worry about managing the nitty gritty.

With our SEO strategies, lawyers like you can enjoy the keywords, content, and backlinks needed to reach your target audience (without spending time writing or learning the ins and outs of SEO).

We’ll take care of it all for you with no locked-in contracts. We support you month-to-month and let our results be the chain that connects us.

There’s practically a law firm SEO company on every corner of the Internet.
seo team
So, what sets us apart?

We’re a results-driven SEO company for lawyers that understands the needs of your law firm.

We’re not “just” law firm SEO experts, or content writers, or web designers (even if we are all of those things). With a team of conversion-focused digital marketers, we’re greater than the sum of our parts which helps us write, optimize, and publish SEO content for lawyers like you that drives rankings, reputation, and revenue.

We know your audience and industry and take a personalized approach to create unique content so the words sound and feel authentic to your brand (without you needing to step in and write a thing).

Vanity metrics (like ranking in the #1 spot for irrelevant keywords) are so passé. We target local keywords and use them in your content to drive high-interest, high-impact visitors to your website.

We’re obsessed with local SEO strategies that convert visitors into clients and harness the power of key marketing principles to ignite the right triggers to convert prospective clients.

We’re committed to creating a long-term asset that drives growth and helps you achieve your goals so you can rely on our team to deliver what you want at the standard your business deserves.

We have over 14 years of experience creating content marketing for lawyers.

Our process lays the groundwork for your law firm's success. We create a robust and effective marketing strategy that aligns with Google’s quality guidelines and the association that governs lawyer advertising.

By using our method, our clients have seen results like these:

in organic traffic for a civil rights attorney
in monthly traffic value for a veteran's disability law firm
in lead calls for a local law firm
Go from invisible to unmissable on Google (just like these clients did).

Our expert team of certified lawyer SEO specialists wake up ready to help law firms play in traffic - then turn that traffic into customers who turn to you for help.

Will you be our next success story?
Ready to find out why your law firm’s website isn’t delivering the traffic, leads, or new cases you want?

Let’s be honest, every law firm marketing agency and its dog claims to have the keys to Google’s kingdom. So don’t take us at our word - schedule a risk-free SEO audit, and we’ll show you exactly where the holes in your SEO are.

Ready for your “Google is delivering the goods” advantage? Book your free law firm SEO audit today.

Book my free SEO audit call
Zero obligation. Serious potential.
seo expert
Frequently Asked Questions
What is law firm SEO?

Law firm SEO is the practice of increasing your firm’s visibility in search engines like Google. Appearing for relevant searches helps generate organic traffic and create a pipeline of high-quality leads. If you want to grow your practice beyond referrals and word of mouth, attorney SEO is how you can do it.

Why is SEO for law firms important?

Frankly, referrals are the highest quality cases a firm can get. The problem is, you’ve got no control over when and where they come from. With SEO, you’re in the driver’s seat and get to decide what keywords to target with traffic-getting and prospect-converting pages that deliver leads month after month.

You're in the pole position with a combination of referrals and a website set up to attract cases 24/7.

Does SEO work for law firms?

Google uses over 200 ranking factors to determine how well your content matches a user’s search. SEO works for law firms when you get the balance of these ranking factors right - as they’re not all equal. SEO has been voted the most effective marketing channel for law firms (by law firms). By partnering with an SEO company with a track record of results, SEO can work for you too.

What are the best SEO practices for law firms?

The best SEO strategies optimize your website to boost visibility on Google without forgetting the one thing that matters most - your potential clients.

We understand the fine line between giving Google what it wants and delivering a fast, user-friendly, and valuable experience for users. Our expert team will show you how to increase organic traffic and then turn that traffic into leads and clients with impactful and authoritative web content.

How long does law firm SEO take?

Most businesses can expect to see some results between 4 and 6 months. Your exact timeline depends on your starting point, which includes your law firm’s website health and if you’ve done any SEO before.

You’ll also need to consider:

  • Your competition
  • Your industry
  • Your authority

Like any long-term strategy, the results only improve over time. The more in-depth your content, authoritative your backlinks, and the better your UX, the more likely you are to increase your rankings and enjoy a measurable return on your investment.

Do you only work with law firms?

As an SEO company for lawyers, we’re experts at crafting keyword-rich, high-quality content, and fully optimized SEO campaigns. But those same strategies work for various business types and industries, including legal service businesses, SEO agencies, ad agencies, and in-house marketers.

How long is the SEO audit call?

Good things come in small packages. Our SEO audit usually runs about 30 minutes long, so you won’t need to block out your entire calendar - but you will walk away with eye-opening insights on how to start using organic traffic and leads to grow your law firm.