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Illustrations Webinars

Surviving the Pandemic with Support from your PEO’s Benefits

Alex Valencia
Published   May 20, 2020


In the second episode of SEO happy hour, I have a special guest and friend Keith Tirico from Total Business Group joining me to tell us how your PEO can help you and guide you through the Pandemic and quarantine. learn about PPP, Unemployment, Furlough, and more.

What are you doing with your business? #PEO #smallbusiness #businessmanagement #SEO #Content #employment #unemployment #humanresources Brought to you by: 5 Priorities that Should Be a Part of Your Business Covid Strategy

In the thick of the COVID-19 outbreak it is not just human lives at stake, but businesses as well.  Many companies are overwhelmed with an abundance of state and federal mandates, as well as employee concerns that are changing the way we do business.  2020 started with owners and executives conducting business as usual.  Managers were putting a pre-coronavirus business plan to action, accounting departments paid bills and issues paychecks while administrators and HR representatives focused on hiring and retention.  Now, what happens post coronavirus, do we freeze up and hope things will just go back to normal, or should we be proactive in getting in-front of how we manage our business in this new world?

Today we have new legislation and state mandates being written every day that affects our businesses.  CARES Act, Social Security Tax Deferral, furloughing vs. termination were not topics on the agenda a few months ago.  As federal and state governments issue new emergency orders, and the government continues to provide economic relief packages, do you know how they may affect your business?  Do you have professional support to help navigate payroll, benefits, workers comp, and HR issues as they relate to your business?  What is your go-forward business plan?

To learn more about the benefits of professional employer organizations, be sure to read our Professional Employer Organization article.

Total Business Group

We Do Web: Legal Marketing

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